Friday, February 23, 2007

Links to Sites of Interest

Whilst we are busily working on putting together the podcast, we thought that it might be a good idea to gather together some resources for everyone to use. (We may be looking to some of these sites for ideas, news, comments, etc. You may want to check out some of these sites on your own.)

For our first site, we'll take a look at an interesting site from a Reflective Teacher. This blogger is in his second year of blogging. He blogs regularly (a challenge for all of us). He blogs anonymously so that he can protect the identity of the students and such. This allows him much more freedom. We've chosen to put our real, actual names onto the blog. Both methods have advantages. Please know that our blog and podcasts are to express our personal opinions and not those of our employers.

Anyway, the reflective teacher site contains lesson plans and lots of interesting ideas. This blogger is a fascinating read.
From the Friday Haiku , to the Day in a Sentence, it is a good read. The last Friday Haiku posted is
"Finally a day
Where collaboration and
hope met side-by-side."

Definitely worth a read.

Survey Results

We've (OK, Shawn) done a little bit of a survey to find out if there is interest in such a podcast as we've proposed. We've gleaned some interesting information. Most of the respondents (middle school educators at a conference) do not currently listen to a podcast (not really a surprise). Many seemed interested in listening to one though. Most of the respondents do use iTunes, however, They were interested in a wide variety of topics (see below). Some mentioned a time length (we're guessing that these people already listen to podcasts). There was more information that we're digesting. Here is a partial list of the potential topics:

  • Curriculum Assessment Schedules
  • Relationship building, creating an authentic sense of community
  • Scheduling
  • Academics
  • New innovations in technology/teaming/grouping, Inclusion, Curriculum, Achievement Testing, Recognition
  • Academic Achievement
  • Teaming, interdisciplinary Units, Co-Teaching
  • Advisory, People doing Special Ed. well
  • Team Teaching
  • Teaming ideas, interventions (academic and behavioral), discipline issues, new things kids are doing
  • Bullying, teaming
  • Differentiated Instruction, Advisory
  • Teaming, Advisory
  • Teaming, How various schools beat the budget/$$ problems
  • How to deal with student issues
  • Scheduling
  • Transition programs
  • Changing middle school students Attitudes in wanting to learn. (Motivating student learning)
  • Motivating students, how to reduce discipline problems.

What do you think? Do any of these topics surprise you? Are there any topics that should have been included? Let us know.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Shawn and I were able to run a test case to make sure that we had all of the technology down pat. The good news: we had a great conversation which I think some people might find interesting. We didn't really prep for the show, this was an "off the cuff" conversation. The topic turned out to be about scheduling. We just touched the surface, but it was interesting to discuss. (My school runs a mixed block schedule with an A/B day component.)
Anyway, we did learn a few things:
1) I need to use a different microphone (you can hear the "fishbowl" effect)
2) Technically, most things worked. I need to fiddle with some settings, but basically it works
3) We really, really enjoy talking about middle school and education
4) I learned a bit about the editing process (which has changed just a bit since my college radio station days of tape)

If I get a chance, I may post an edited copy of this first test.